Coordinating Body Vacancies
Coordinating Body Vacancies:
State Agency
School Board
Professional Education Association
Non-Profit Organization
Pilot Rock School District Educator
Federally Recognized Tribe
Selection Process for Coordinating Body Membership
Identify Coordinating Body Roles as set out by Original REN plan
One teacher representative from each OTREN partner district
One administrative representative from OTREN counties: Umatilla, Morrow, Union, and Baker
One State/Agency representative from the following: State Agency, School Board, Professional Education Association, Philanthropy, Non-profit Organization, Higher Education, IMESD, Federally Recognized Tribe, and Educator Preparation Provider
Annually, OTREN staff communicates with current Coordinating Body members to gauge interest in continuing to serve in their role.
OTREN staff reaches out to district or agency leadership if a vacancy exists. It is advertised on the OTREN website with a Google Form available to complete if interested in serving.
District or agency leadership solicits interest from their staff and proposes a name to represent them to the OTREN staff.
OTREN staff onboards new members by sharing meeting dates, providing an introductory welcome letter, and is available for any questions.
If a vacancy occurs during a school year, OTREN staff repeats this process from Step 1
*If you are interested in serving on the OTREN Coordinating Body or would like to learn more about opportunities within the OTREN, please contact McKennon McDonald.*